By ADMIN / Nov 2, 2022
The break of every new decade has always inspired people to set targets on how that time will be. We have seen people like Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, the missile man of India, envision India as a superpower in the year 2020.
Similarly, P2E games that just started as a little flicker in the previous year have displayed enormous potential to become the next big dimension of gaming and also a promising source of earning an income. Now that we are at a very fruitful juncture when social media platforms like Twitter have endorsed the importance and awesomeness of NFTs by bringing in NFT Tweet Tiles, now would be a good time for us to extrapolate and envision what the year 2030 will be like when it comes to P2E gaming.
PS: Please note that the information provided below is not a prediction but only an extrapolation from the signs of progress that have been seen so far. Please do not use this article as a point of reference, especially for financial purposes.
Today, P2E forms a very small chunk of the total gaming landscape. In 2030, it will not be surprising if even normal mainstream games start to have a P2E dimension. it could also be pushed to a territory where not having a P2E version of a game might even render the game obsolete.
The fact that the primary beneficiaries of the first prominent wave of P2E games were mostly forgotten south station countries like Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and the Philippines is a resounding testimony to how P2E has got nothing to do with the mainstream economic orders. The world’s first ever P2E cricket game was introduced by, an Asian NFT marketplace platform. With so many innovations happening in some of the most obscure parts of the world, you can expect P2E to penetrate some of the most unbelievable corners of the earth. Blockchain, the underlying technology behind NFTs, was envisioned to break such barriers in the first place. P2E will be one of the most prominent and pronounced manifestations of this mission statement.
Blockchain intends to create a digital dimension of everything without any iota of centralization. The metaverse is supposed to be one such display of this vision. Therefore, P2E games will not just confine themselves to the core part of the game alone but would instead explore other territories like metaverse real estate, partial ownership, Completely decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO), and even tournaments featuring real-world players and teams but with their digital representations in the metaverse.
A couple of years ago, it was laughable that playing games could be a source of income. Today, a lot of governments have regulated income from digital assets. Going in that direction, you can expect many regulatory practices to come into place for P2E gaming. Pushing it further, it would not be surprising to have lawyers specializing in P2E legal areas.
It might not be such a great and proud thing for people to say that they are into gaming. However, with P2E, you can expect people to put it up on LinkedIn telling that their first job is to play games and earn money. This will radically alter maybe not the job landscape but the earning landscape. Since gaming is not defined by age, you can expect teenagers to earn revenues that could be on par with the top leadership of some companies!
Considering how fast the world is moving, 2030 is not far in the future. When we are looking at the world rapidly moving towards decentralization and democratized earning opportunities, it is only understandable and acceptable that P2E games will be a big player and factor when we talk about activities and revenues in 2030!
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